Disease Glossary

H12.041-043 Pterygium

A pterygium is a type of conjunctival degeneration.

H53.52 Acquired Color Vision Deficiencies

Acquired color vision defects may be associated with various eye, optic nerve or brain diseases.

H11.821-823 Conjunctivochalasis

Conjunctivochalasis is a condition characterized by redundant or loose conjunctiva between the globe and eyelid.

H11.411-413 Vascular Abnormalities of Conjunctiva

Vascular abnormalities of the conjunctiva are focal dilations of the conjunctival vessels.

H53.53 Deutan Color Vision Defect

A genetic red-green color vision deficiency resulting from inherited green cone pigment abnormalities.

H53.54 Protan Color Vision Defect

A genetic red-green color vision deficiency that results from inherited red cone pigment abnormalities.

H11.31-33 Subconjunctival Hemorrhage

A subconjunctival hemorrhage is bleeding underneath the conjunctiva.

H11.151-153 Pinguecula

A pingueculla is a type of conjunctival degeneration appearing as a yellow or white elevated superficial mass on the conjunctiva.

H53.55 Tritan Color Vision Defect

A genetic blue-yellow color vision deficiency that results from inherited blue cone pigment abnormalities.

S05.01XA-02XS Superficial Injury of Cornea

A corneal abrasion is a scratch or scrape of the cornea. It can result from foreign bodies, contact lenses, chemicals, or anything causing mechanical trauma such as fingernails, hair brushes, vegetative matter, dust, metal shards or projectile objects.