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Find what region your state belongs to and search by region number for the procedure codes you are looking for.

Region 2: CT, IL, ME, MA, MN, NH, NYD, NYQ, NYU, RI, VT, WI
Region 5: FL, PR
Region 9: AL, GA, TN
Region 10: NC, SC, VA, WV
Region 17: AK, AZ, ID, MT, ND, OR, SD, UT, WA, WY
Region 22: IN, IA, KS, MI, MO, NE
Region 23: DE, DC, MD, NJ, PA
Region 24: KY, OH Region 25: CAN, CAS, HI, NV
Region 26: AR, CO, LA, MS, NM, OK, TX
*Region 37: General guidelines for procedures if your state does not have specific rules.

CPT Code

 Region ID  CPT Code  CPT Title
37 65210 Conjunctival Foreign Body Removal
37 65222 Corneal Foreign Body Removal
05 65778 Placement of Amniotic Membrane on the Ocular Surface; Without Sutures.
37 65778 Placement of Amniotic Membrane on the Ocular Surface; Without Sutures.
37 67820 Correction of Trichiasis
37 67850 Destruction of Lesion of Eyelid Margin
05 68761 Lacrimal Punctum Plugs
23 68761 Lacrimal Punctum Plugs
26 68761 Lacrimal Punctum Plugs
37 68761 Lacrimal Punctum Plugs
24 68801 Dilation of Lacrimal Punctum
37 68801 Dilation of Lacrimal Punctum
24 68810 Probing of the Nasolacrimal Duct
37 68810 Probing of the Nasolacrimal Duct
24 68840 Probing of the Lacrimal Canaliculi
37 68840 Probing of the Lacrimal Canaliculi
05 76510 B- Scan Ophthalmic Ultrasound With Quantitative A-Scan
37 76510 B- Scan Ophthalmic Ultrasound With Quantitative A-Scan
37 76511 A-scan Ophthalmic Ultrasound
05 76512 B-scan Ophthalmic Ultrasound With or Without Non-quantitative A-scan
37 76512 B-scan Ophthalmic Ultrasound With or Without Non-quantitative A-scan
05 76513 Anterior Segment Ultrasound or High Resolution Biomicroscopy
37 76513 Anterior Segment Ultrasound or High Resolution Biomicroscopy
02 76514 Corneal Pachymetry
10 76514 Corneal Pachymetry
24 76514 Corneal Pachymetry
37 76514 Corneal Pachymetry
37 76516 Ophthalmic Biometry by A-scan
02 76519 Ophthalmic Biometry by A-scan with Intraocular Lens Power Calculation
24 76519 Ophthalmic Biometry by A-scan with Intraocular Lens Power Calculation
37 76519 Ophthalmic Biometry by A-scan with Intraocular Lens Power Calculation
37 92002 Intermediate Ophthalmological Examination - New Patient
37 92004 Comprehensive Ophthalmological Examination - New Patient
37 92012 Intermediate Ophthalmological Examination - Established Patient
37 92014 Comprehensive Ophthalmological Examination - Established Patient
37 92015 Refraction
37 92020 Gonioscopy
05 92025 Computerized Corneal Topography
24 92025 Computerized Corneal Topography
37 92025 Computerized Corneal Topography
37 92060 Sensorimotor Examination with Multiple Measurements of Ocular Deviation
37 92071 Fitting of a Contact Lens for the Treatment of Ocular Surface Disease
37 92072 Fitting of a Contact Lens for the Management of Keratoconus, Initial Visit
02 92081 Visual Field Examination - Limited Intensity
05 92081 Visual Field Examination - Limited Intensity
22 92081 Visual Field Examination - Limited Intensity
24 92081 Visual Field Examination - Limited Intensity
37 92081 Visual Field Examination - Limited Intensity
02 92082 Visual Field Examination - Intermediate Intensity
05 92082 Visual Field Examination - Intermediate Intensity
22 92082 Visual Field Examination - Intermediate Intensity
24 92082 Visual Field Examination - Intermediate Intensity
37 92082 Visual Field Examination - Intermediate Intensity
02 92083 Visual Field Examination - Extended Intensity
05 92083 Visual Field Examination - Extended Intensity
22 92083 Visual Field Examination - Extended Intensity
24 92083 Visual Field Examination - Extended Intensity
37 92083 Visual Field Examination - Extended Intensity
37 92100 Serial Tonometry
02 92132 Scanning Laser - Anterior Segment
05 92132 Scanning Laser - Anterior Segment
23 92132 Scanning Laser - Anterior Segment
26 92132 Scanning Laser - Anterior Segment
37 92132 Scanning Laser - Anterior Segment
02 92133 Scanning Laser - Posterior Segment (Optic Nerve)
05 92133 Scanning Laser - Posterior Segment (Optic Nerve)
23 92133 Scanning Laser - Posterior Segment (Optic Nerve)
26 92133 Scanning Laser - Posterior Segment (Optic Nerve)
37 92133 Scanning Laser - Posterior Segment (Optic Nerve)
02 92134 Scanning Laser - Posterior Segment (Retina)
05 92134 Scanning Laser - Posterior Segment (Retina)
23 92134 Scanning Laser - Posterior Segment (Retina)
26 92134 Scanning Laser - Posterior Segment (Retina)
37 92134 Scanning Laser - Posterior Segment (Retina)
02 92136 Ophthalmic Biometry by Partial Coherence Interferometry with Intraocular Lens Power Calculation
24 92136 Ophthalmic biometry by partial coherence interferometry with intraocular lens power calculation
37 92136 Ophthalmic Biometry by Partial Coherence Interferometry with Intraocular Lens Power Calculation
02 92225 Extended Ophthalmoscopy for the Initial Visit
05 92225 Extended Ophthalmoscopy for the Initial Visit
10 92225 Extended Ophthalmoscopy for the Initial Visit
24 92225 Extended Ophthalmoscopy for the Initial Visit
37 92225 Extended Ophthalmoscopy for the Initial Visit
02 92226 Extended Ophthalmoscopy for Subsequent Visits
05 92226 Extended Ophthalmoscopy for Subsequent Visits
10 92226 Extended Ophthalmoscopy for Subsequent Visits
24 92226 Extended Ophthalmoscopy for Subsequent Visits
37 92226 Extended Ophthalmoscopy for Subsequent Visits
02 92250 Fundus Photography
05 92250 Fundus Photography
10 92250 Fundus Photography
24 92250 Fundus Photography
37 92250 Fundus Photography
02 92275 Electroretinography (ERG)
05 92275 Electroretinography (ERG)
26 92275 Electroretinography (ERG)
37 92275 Electroretinography (ERG)
37 92283 Color Vision Examination
05 92285 External Ocular Photography
37 92285 External Ocular Photography
05 92286 Specular Endothelial Microscopy
37 92286 Specular Endothelial Microscopy
02 95930 Visual Evoked Potential
09 95930 Visual Evoked Potential
26 95930 Visual Evoked Potential
37 95930 Visual Evoked Potential