CPT Code: 65222  Region: 37

States covered:  General guidelines if your state does not have a local coverage determination

Title:  Corneal Foreign Body Removal

Minor Surgical Procedure

CPT Code 65222 is the removal of foreign body, external eye; corneal, with slit lamp

This Medicare carrier does not have a local coverage determination (LCD) for corneal foreign body removal.  The policy presented is to serve as a sample and is provided as a reference guide only and should not be construed as policy for your current Medicare carrier.  

CPT Code 65222 is the removal of foreign body, external eye; corneal, with slit lamp

This code has a zero-day global period, which means that when the physician sees the patient a few days later, it is a billable exam.  The procedure is payable per eye, not per foreign body.  And, in the event a rust ring develops, 65222 is the appropriate code to use again.

ICD-10 Diagnosis Codes

Medical record documentation should indicate the medical necessity for performing the procedure.  In addition, documentation that the service was performed including the results should be available.

If the provider of the service is other than the ordering/referring physician, the provider of the service should maintain hard copy documentation of procedure results.  The optometrist/ophthalmologist should state the clinical indication/medical necessity for the study in this order for the procedure. 

Report a corneal foreign body removal with CPT code 65222.

This Medicare carrier has no utilization guidelines for corneal foreign body removal.  It is expected that these services would be performed as indicated by current medical literature and/or current standards of ophthalmologic practice.

In the absence of specific utilization guidelines, optometrists/ophthalmologists should adhere to CMS Ruling 95-1 (V) which states that utilization of these services should be consistent with locally acceptable standards of ophthalmic practice.